June 20, 2013

Pump Your Breaks...

The limp and labored walk has gone away, and I am back on a day to day status with training. 

Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash
Last week was a big lessoned learned when it comes to managing stress, time and training. Unfortunately I don't have a overall positive end result to show for the hard work put in, instead I found myself in agonizing discomfort and unable to walk normally for 48 hours do to my inability to manage my time more efficiently. This is the second time to injure my hip in 8 weeks.

I have realized how easy time sneaks by if you do not take control of the situation. The resulting injury is not due to a simple single traumatic moment to which I hurt myself. I can attribute this to a downward spiral of lack of care and maintenance on my body. Imagine showing up to the mechanic saying that you hear this squeaky noise when you apply the breaks... to which he responds, "well you don't have any breaks so there's your problem." How could we miss something so simple.

Too focused on the hard work that I was putting in, I was neglecting the most important part of working at high intensity... Rest and Recovery. The major factor to pushing yourself to fatigue is allowing that fatigue to subside and repeat the ability again, and again. But you must rest in order to do so. Looking back my body was in a huge deficit of homeostasis and this injury is the end result of ignorance.
It all started on a simple sunday workout schedule that was designed to be easy and prepare me for the week. 90 min base run and a 120 min ride after work. Instead ran too hard put myself in deficit, tired and frustrated I pushed my bike workout, then became tired and frustrated again... Do you see where this is going? The end was at last thursdays Maudie's Moonlight Margarita 5k. Frustrated from a morning tempo run workout, I decided to race like a bastard and go out way too fast...

Over the past couple of days I have seen specialist and friends in the community who are able to help me recover from this injury. Retracing my previous couple of weeks we have determined that I was not sleeping enough, malnourished, training at too high of an intensity when not needed and stressed out from the culmination of several events all coming together at once. I now respond with increasing my caloric intake, getting more sleep, and training on a day by day basis.
Some of my session are not even about hard work, but working on eccentric movement to teach my smaller weaker muscles to turn on and do some work. I will do what it takes to keep me healthy and enjoy my time trying to achieve this goal.

Determined to recover I will shake this injury.

Next Race: 

July 7th, Tri for Old Glory in San Marcos, TX

Thank You for Your Support:
Mark Kendall
Mark Hernandez
Jamie Cleveland/ Texas Iron
Family and Friends

"So you go back and forth between this guilt and this
kind of drive to want to improve all the time. It’s really bizarre.
After a seven-hour day, I’ve literally given it everything
I’ve got. So by hour 6 and 59 minutes I’m fucking dead.
You walk up these stairs and you’re just … grumpy. Then I
think, ‘What kind of life is this that I spend so much time being
grumpy?’ That side of it is really hard."

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