May 29, 2014

When Reality Sets In

I always laughed in cartoons when one of the characters would get smashed in the head by an object. Typically a frying pan or a shovel, their head would momentarily take the shape and you can't forget the birds/stars that encircle. Dazed and stunned their head formed like the item of contact until they shook it off. No sooner do they resume to normal.

What I'm a talking about you ask... It's Simple. shake it off and keep going. (Look out for the shovel)

At the end of last season I set a goal session for myself. Put pen to paper; I committed myself to some goals that I found within my grasp. Racing, personal, financial. I knew that these would overlap down the road. Looking to the future I really had no concept of perspective. I don't think I comprehended the scope of what I could achieve or when it would come.

A mix of knowledge and assumption the list is based from hope and motivation of what I've done till now and where I want to be down the road. Too be honest I didn't do a very good job sorting the commitments into short term and long term accomplishments.

Until the past couple of weeks, I operated under a lot of frustration. Struggling on a set recent changes in my life. New job, a relationship, training, racing. All good things, but requires some big boy pants when making the right decision. Returning from the winter of doom filled with crashes, sickness and injury. I looked for excuses.

With four races behind me, two bad (New Orleans 5150, Cap10k) and two good (Splash and Dash, The RookieTri) I was inconsistent at best. Glimmers of hope followed by plummets of shame.

But breaking down the results, all was not lost... Actually even the bad ones where better then previous attempts, just not to what I wanted, or should be. The good, put me on schedule for my goals.

So what... Well, nothing comes easy. I tend to forget that. With all the epic quotes I have around my apartment that allude to that concept; struggles, changes, destiny. It always refers to the difficulty that awaits. Expect it. That way the reward is appreciated much more, and not taken for granted.

Photo credit: Kevin McRee

Up Next is the Playtri Festival on sunday. Ready to race this.

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